Fiamma ZKPVerify SDK

To make it easier to send zkpverify requests to the fiamma network, fiamma supports multi-language sdk, which can be easily used by developers.


The fiamma-sdk-rs is the Rust SDK for the Fiamma chain, providing a range of APIs for interacting with the Fiamma blockchain. This SDK is primarily designed to simplify the process of blockchain development in Rust, covering fundamental on-chain operations and related functionalities.

Main Features

Transaction Sending and Querying:

  • Submit a proof to the blockchain.

  • Create and remove validators on the Fiamma blockchain.

  • Query transaction status and results.

Proof and challenge data Querying:

  • Query the necessary proof data.

  • Query the challenge data related to a specific BitVM proof or transaction

  • Query the basic account functionality.

API Methods List

1. create_staker

Description: Adds a new validator to the Fiamma network.


  • creator: The Account identifiers.

  • staker_address: The address of the validator.

pub struct MsgCreateStaker {
    pub creator: AccountId,
    pub staker_address: String,

Example Usage:

const SENDER_PRIVATE_KEY: &str =
const NODE: &str = "";
let wallet = Wallet::new(SENDER_PRIVATE_KEY);
let gas_limit = 80_000_000_u64;
let fee = 2000_u128;
let tx_client = TxClient::new(SENDER_PRIVATE_KEY, NODE, fee, gas_limit);
let msg = MsgCreateStaker {
    creator: wallet.account_id.clone(),
    staker_address: "fiammavaloper124lzt3g4axrqf8p58f6hs9uzdk056y3cey2m5r".to_string(),
let resp = tx_client.create_staker(msg).await;

2. remove_staker

Description: Deletes an existing validator from the Fiamma network.


  • creator: The Account identifiers.

  • staker_address: The address of the validator.

pub struct MsgRemoveStaker {
    pub creator: AccountId,
    pub staker_address: String,

Example Usage:

const SENDER_PRIVATE_KEY: &str =
const NODE: &str = "";
let wallet = Wallet::new(SENDER_PRIVATE_KEY);
let gas_limit = 80_000_000_u64;
let fee = 2000_u128;
let tx_client = TxClient::new(SENDER_PRIVATE_KEY, NODE, fee, gas_limit);
let msg = MsgRemoveStaker {
    creator: wallet.account_id.clone(),
    staker_address: "fiammavaloper124lzt3g4axrqf8p58f6hs9uzdk056y3cey2m5r".to_string(),
let resp = tx_client.remove_staker(msg).await;

3. submit_proof

Description: Submits a proof to the Fiamma blockchain.


  • creator: The Account identifiers.

  • proof_system: The name of the proof system used.

  • proof: The serialized proof data in bytes.

  • public_input: The public input associated with the proof, serialized as bytes.

  • vk: The verification key for the proof, also serialized as bytes.

  • namespace: The namespace under which the proof is being submitted.

pub struct MsgSubmitProof {
    pub creator: AccountId,
    pub proof_system: String,
    pub proof: Vec<u8>,
    pub public_input: Vec<u8>,
    pub vk: Vec<u8>,
    pub namespace: String,

Example Usage:

const SENDER_PRIVATE_KEY: &str =
const NODE: &str = "";
const NAMESPACE: &str = "ZULU";
let wallet = Wallet::new(SENDER_PRIVATE_KEY);
let gas_limit = 80_000_000_u64;
let fee = 2000_u128;
let tx_client = TxClient::new(SENDER_PRIVATE_KEY, NODE, fee, gas_limit);
let submit_proof_msg = msg_submit_proof(wallet.account_id.clone());
let resp = tx_client.submit_proof(submit_proof_msg).await.unwrap();

fn msg_submit_proof(account_id: AccountId) -> MsgSubmitProof {
    // Note that proof_artifacts construct proof, public_input and vk
    let (proof, public_input, vk) = proof_artifacts();

    MsgSubmitProof {
        creator: account_id,
        proof_system: BITVM_PROOF_SYSTEM.to_string(),
        namespace: NAMESPACE.to_string(),

4. get_tx

Description: Queries the status of a specific transaction.


  • tx_hash: The hash of the transaction to query.

Example Usage:

const SENDER_PRIVATE_KEY: &str =
const NODE: &str = "";
let gas_limit = 80_000_000_u64;
let fee = 2000_u128;
let tx_id = "FECF6B15F33A220A4ACAB850BD968BB8C6C16DD610C5294B19C2C91511E7EE44";
let query_client = TxClient::new(SENDER_PRIVATE_KEY, NODE, fee, gas_limit);
let tx = query_client.get_tx(tx_id).await;

5. get_account_info

Description: contains all the necessary fields for basic account functionality. Parameters: An instance of the Wallet struct created with the PRIVATE_KEY. This wallet will manage the user's account and facilitate interactions with the Fiamma blockchain.

Example Usage:

const SENDER_PRIVATE_KEY: &str =
const NODE: &str = "";
let wallet = Wallet::new(PRIVATE_KEY);
let account_info = wallet.get_account_info(NODE.to_string()).await;

6. get_proof_data

Description: Retrieves the necessary proof data from the Fiamma blockchain.


  • proof_id: A unique identifier for the proof you want to retrieve.

Response: The ProofData struct corresponds to the MsgSubmitProof structure in that both are designed to encapsulate information relevant to the submission and verification of proofs within the Fiamma blockchain context.

pub struct ProofData {
    #[prost(enumeration = "ProofSystem", tag = "1")]
    pub proof_system: i32,
    #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")]
    pub proof: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec<u8>,
    #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "3")]
    pub public_input: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec<u8>,
    #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "4")]
    pub vk: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec<u8>,
    #[prost(string, tag = "5")]
    pub namespace: ::prost::alloc::string::String,

Example Usage:

const NODE: &str = "";
let proof_id = "1776686b821785672155f4f34a0cf0d088e721e3ec5ff32709a7cec1b5a3b669";
let query_client = QueryClient::new(NODE);
let proof_data = query_client.get_proof_data(proof_id).await;

7. get_bitvm_challenge_data

Description: Retrieves the challenge data related to a specific BitVM proof or transaction.


  • proof_id: A unique identifier for the proof you want to retrieve.


  • verify_result (bool): Indicates whether the verification of the challenge was successful.

  • witness (Vec<u8>): Contains the witness data needed for the proof validation process.

  • vk (Vec<u8>): Represents the verification key used in the proof system.

  • public_input (Vec<u8>): Holds the public input data required for the challenge.

  • proposer (String): Specifies the account or entity that proposed the challenge.

pub struct BitVmChallengeData {
    #[prost(bool, tag = "1")]
    pub verify_result: bool,
    #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")]
    pub witness: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec<u8>,
    #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "3")]
    pub vk: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec<u8>,
    #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "4")]
    pub public_input: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec<u8>,
    #[prost(string, tag = "5")]
    pub proposer: ::prost::alloc::string::String,

Example Usage:

const NODE: &str = "";
let proof_id = "1776686b821785672155f4f34a0cf0d088e721e3ec5ff32709a7cec1b5a3b669";
let query_client = QueryClient::new(NODE);
let bitvm_challenge_data = query_client.get_bitvm_challenge_data(proof_id).await;

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